Made for SpeedJam 8 with❤️ from
- WhatsACloud, Project Lead + programmer
- HighLithop, programmer
- Lisa, Artist
- colin5887, Sound Lead

The White Death is a 2D game where you rage through existence as The White Death (surprise!), a glowing white square that destroys all that's in its way.
For some reason, you (The White Death™) need to cross 555 metres. Don't ask why it's 555 metres, or why it isn't in Freedom Units 🦅 🇺🇸 💥  (feet). Just... get across the strange void ok?

- Drag with left-click in a direction to dash in that direction
- Drag with right-click in any direction to dash towards the nearest hothead
- The further you drag, the further you dash. You can only dash as fast as your Flow Level allows for.
- Dash into enemies to kill them.

- You have a type of experience point, called flow.
- The bar at the top left corner shows your flow amount.
- Dashing costs flow (but without flow you still can move).
- Killing enemies gives you flow.
- When you have enough flow, your Flow Level increases (max 3), letting you move further and faster!
- The colour of the bar, size of flame and background music all change when your Flow Level changes.
- Yes, you can lose Flow Levels... but you can gain them back by exploding more enemies :DD!!!

Rated 4.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
Made withUnity
TagsExplosions, satisfying

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